


  • Go
  • Typescript
  • Python
  • PHP

Framework, Middleware, Tool

  • AWS
  • Docker
  • MySQL
  • Redis
  • gRPC
  • REST
  • Vue.js
  • Nuxt.js
  • Vite
  • Terraform
  • GitHub Actions
  • PipeCD
  • Datadog


  • Object-oriented programming design
  • Application architecture patterns
  • DevOps
  • Requirement definition
  • Scrum development

Language Proficiency

  • Japanese
    • Native
  • English
    • Basic conversational

Work Experience

February 2024 - Present: AI Scheduler - AI Operations Unit


Designed and developed the winning idea of the contests to generate ideas for the use of generative AI., receiving the top prize. Participated in the project as the manager of engineering team and tech lead. Responsible for designing and developing an application that uses generative AI to facilitate schedule adjustments through natural language. Conducted evaluations and proofs of concept (PoC) for new technologies, including generative AI.

Note: An internal contest held by CyberAgent Inc., where approximately 2,200 ideas were submitted for using generative AI within the company.

Skills and Knowledge Gained

  • Experience in evaluating and adopting new technologies such as generative AI
  • Experience in making business decisions through PoCs
  • Design and development of applications using generative AI
  • Skills necessary for building generative AI applications using Azure OpenAI Service, LangChain, and Langsmith

April 2023 - Present: New Development Base Establishment - Hanoi Devcenter


Established a new department with the mission of boosting the company’s development competitiveness by hiring talented local engineers in Vietnam. Utilized experience in recruitment and training from the time of joining the company to build an engineering organization that contributes to the company from scratch.

Skills and Knowledge Gained

  • Engineering organization management
  • Culture promotion
  • Identifying the communities where talented Vietnamese engineers are
  • Experience living abroad

April 2023 - January 2024: DX Project for a Major Retail Company - AI Business Unit


Participated in a project to revamp the application for a major drugstore chain. Collaborated with four SIer companies, in addition to the client company, to develop the application. Worked as a backend engineer from the project initiation to the completion of the release. Conducted load testing and built observability foundations in addition to feature development before the production release.

Skills and Knowledge Gained

  • Scrum development
  • Challenges of collaboration with other companies
  • Difficulties in replacing existing systems
  • Preparation for production releases in services expected to have large-scale user access

April 2021 - March 2023: Remote Hospitality - AI Business Unit


Engaged in the development of a product proposed in an internal new business proposal contest that was commercialized. Participated as an engineer in the development and operation of an online customer service tool to achieve the DX of hospitality. As a full-stack engineer, responsible for end-to-end processes from requirements and design definition to implementation. Conducted technical verification and replacement to new technologies (Vue3+Vite) with the introduction of Nuxt.js v3 beta.

Skills and Knowledge Gained

  • Experience in generating and refining business ideas
  • Experience in launching products from the business idea phase
  • Development experience as a full-stack engineer
  • Experience in technical verification and selection
  • Design thinking for reflecting UI/UX in the product

Other Activities

Past Presentation Materials

Writing Experience